

秋季学期   春季学期
Code 课程名称 学分   Code 课程名称 学分
生物625 高级分子生物学 3   生物630 高级细胞生物学 3
垫610  统计推断与建模 3   510年乙 医疗保健和人类价值观 3
生物610 免疫学* * 3   垫693  流行病学 3
生物660 杂志俱乐部 1   生物660 杂志俱乐部 1
COM 630  医疗保健中的跨文化交流 3   PSC 625 应用与临床生物化学 3
  Bioselective * 3     Bioselective * 3
670年购买力平价 卫生专业的准备1 1   680年购买力平价  为卫生专业人员做准备2 1
总学分 17   总学分 17
Code 课程名称 学分        
生物665 顶点的论文 3        
总学分 3      




临床微生物学I (cls612). 讲座的重点是人物塑造, 识别, and pathogenesis (if any) of commonly encountered human microbiota. This course will be organized into 5 units: 1) virology, 2) antimicrobial susceptibility testing and infection control, 3)需氧/兼性革兰氏阳性菌, 4)需氧/兼性革兰氏阴性菌, 5)杂菌. 本课程将利用最新的临床微生物学理论和应用,教育和培养学生成为医疗保健从业者. (3) 

公共卫生微生物学(BIO 615). The goal of the course is to provide an in-depth understanding of emergence, 传输, 致病性, and control of infectious 疾病 relevant to public health. The course will primarily focus on emerging infectious 疾病, 人畜共患病和媒介传播疾病, 性传播疾病, 以及食物和水传播的疾病. 其他讨论议题将包括与公共卫生有关的生物恐怖主义和抗生素耐药性问题. 重点将放在理解和应用流行病学和微生物学的关键概念,以一个特定的公共卫生问题,通过使用临床案例研究. (3) 

病毒发病机制(BIO 690) Considering the increased burden of viral 疾病 as well as more frequent viral outbreaks, 使新一代的卫生专业人员和研究人员对病毒的发病机制有一个广泛的了解变得非常重要. 本课程以讲授为主,旨在深入了解影响不同组织的各种病毒诱导发病机制的分子机制. 本课程将分三个部分进行:1)学生将熟悉病毒结构的基本概念, 条目, 复制模式, 以及病毒逃避宿主免疫反应, 2) will deal with viral invasion and pathogenesis including neuropathology, 心血管并发症, 炎症, 恶性肿瘤, 发育缺陷, 呼吸系统并发症, 3)将包括讨论病毒发病机制领域的先进研究(期刊俱乐部式),以增强学生的科学交流和批判性思维能力. 整体, this course will provide a comprehensive account of disease manifestation by leading viral pathogens (e.g. 艾滋病毒, 丙肝病毒, 黄病毒, 冠状病毒, 流感病毒, 疱疹病毒, 丙型肝炎病毒, 人乳头状瘤病毒, 和htlv 1). (3) 


细菌发病机制(bio680) 本课程旨在为学生提供有关细菌致病的分子机制的基础和前沿信息. 主题将包括毒力因素, virulence regulation and evasion strategies utilized by bacteria to survive host defense mechanisms. Special emphasis be placed on understanding the genetic, 分子, and biochemical approaches that can be used to study these host-pathogen interactions. 干预策略, 包括疫苗接种和抗微生物治疗以及细菌耐药机制也将讨论. Data analysis from primary literature will form a major component of the course. (3) 

临床微生物学II (cls620) This course is a continuation of Clinical 微生物学 I and will focus on mycology, 寄生虫学, and body system associated with clinical specimens and infections. 讲座的重点是人物塑造, 识别, and pathogenesis (if any) of commonly encountered human microbiota. The course will be organized into four units: 1) anaerobic and mycobacteria bacteriology, 医学寄生虫学, 3)医学真菌学, 4)身体系统相关感染. 本课程将利用最新的临床微生物学理论和应用,教育和培养学生成为卫生保健从业者. (4) 

医学真菌学和寄生虫学(BIO 663) This course will provide a comprehensive overview of medically relevant fungi, 原生动物, 线虫, 绦虫, 和吸虫. 的形态, 酶活性, 生命周期, 分类分类, 疾病, 经济和公共卫生影响, 诊断, 预防, and treatments will be discussed for each type of organism. 




Bio 625 g 
本课程以讲座为基础,深入分析自然界中原核细胞和真核细胞分子生物学的一般概念以及应用于实验室的概念. 本课程由三个部分组成. The first part of the course will focus on aspects of 分子生物学 that occur in nature. Topics presented will include detailed mechanisms of DNA organization, DNA复制, 转录, 基因调控, 基因重组, 翻译, 蛋白质折叠和降解,以及脂质和膜形成的生物化学. 课程的第二部分将着重于分子生物学的概念,这些概念已被用于实验室研究. 主题将包括细胞生长和组织培养, DNA的分析和操作(DNA分离), 杂交, 聚合酶链反应, 测序, 产生敲除/突变体, RNAi, q聚合酶链反应, & RNA seq), the functions and importance of antibodies in research, 重组蛋白的表达和纯化, 蛋白质分析/检测方法. The third part of the course will focus on scientific communication. 在这部分课程中, students will give a journal-club-style oral presentation on a topic in 分子生物学. (3); Prerequisite: PSC 311/312 or CHE 312/313 or equivalent.

This course is devoted to the study of host defense and the immune system.  它检查系统的细胞和器官. It also explores the complex mechanism of cell-cell cooperation necessary to produce immune responses. The role of antibodies, T cells and macrophages in host defense and 疾病 are thoroughly explored. 免疫系统在过敏反应中的作用, autoimmunity and transplantation is carefully examined. In addition, methods for modifying immune responses through drugs and vaccines are discussed.  Prerequisites: BIO 101, BIO 102, BIO 235 is recommended. (3)

本课程旨在提高研究生批判性地评价发表在知名科学期刊上的科学文章的能力. 文章将从分子生物科学各个学科的当前科学文献中选出, 包括细胞生物学, 分子生物学, 药物化学生物化学, 微生物学, 免疫学和传染病. 所有参与者将阅读并评论文章. Each student will present at least two articles per semester. (1)

Com 630 g 
Health systems require practitioners to provide care to patients with diverse values, 信仰, 经历, 和行为. 本课程让学生了解作为跨文化治疗伙伴关系的一部分,患者和专业人员所面临的沟通挑战, 特别强调保健和健康促进可以根据患者独特的社会状况量身定制的方式, 文化, 语言需求. The course uses the term “culture” broadly and inclusively, highlighting traditional racial/ethnic notions of culture (Asian), 民族文化(美国), 和共同文化(非裔美国人), while also including contemporary notions of 文化 membership (cultures of medicine, 残疾文化, 同性恋群体). 主要议题包括:少数民族健康差距, 健康知识, 获得保健服务的障碍, 交际风格的文化差异, 医疗口译员的使用, 传统和补充医学, 公共和私人的文化观念, and 文化ly-specific media environments that influence health 信仰 和行为.

Mat 610克 
统计推断与建模. This course provides students with a basic knowledge of biostatistics. It includes methods of experimental design and data analysis used to make inference. 涵盖的主题包括置信区间, 假设检验, 多变量回归, 广义线性模型, 生存模型和方差分析. The course will also include a component that introduces the students to statistical programming. (3)


本课程将透过期刊俱乐部式的介绍,从高影响力的同行评议期刊中选取主要文献,探讨微生物学的各种前沿课题. 每节课都将以教师对背景信息的简要概述开始,然后通过学生报告和小组讨论对论文进行批判性评价. 本课程将分为四个主题. The first theme covers general microbial concepts including bacterial physiology and structure, 新陈代谢和遗传学. The second theme will explore the microbial virulence mechanisms, 抗菌, 以及抗生素耐药性机制, 同时讨论了重要细菌感染性疾病的预防和治疗新策略. The third theme of the course will include the nature and biological activities of viruses, virus-host interactions and some important viral 疾病. 最后一个主题将重点介绍宿主-病原体相互作用领域的重要进展,包括针对特定病原体的先天和适应性免疫反应. (1-3); Prerequisite: permission of the instructor

细菌的发病机理. 本课程旨在为学生提供有关细菌致病的分子机制的基础和前沿信息. 主题将包括毒力因素, virulence regulation and evasion strategies utilized by bacteria to survive host defense mechanisms. Special emphasis will be placed on understanding the genetic, 分子, and biochemical approaches that can be used to study these host-pathogen interactions. 干预策略, including vaccination and anti-microbial therapy along with bacterial resistance mechanisms, 也会被讨论. Data analysis from primary literature will form a major component of the course. (3); Prerequisite: BIO 210, BIO 236, PSC 315, PSC 311 or CHE 311, PSC 312 or equivalent courses

PSC 500g
临床生物化学 是医学科学的基础,并能帮助学生理解生物分子及其与常见疾病的关系. 使用应用和临床相关性, 本课程将强调酶作为生命的基石,在催化和调节体内生化反应中的作用. 多种代谢途径的整合, 细胞的新陈代谢, 生物合成的重点是涉及生理过程的大分子的结构和功能的关键概念,将作为理解药物作用和药物开发的基础. Bio分子 techniques related to clinical analysis will also be explored.  This course will combine lecture discussions and assignments designed to enhance student learning. 完成本课程后, students will learn the applications and clinical implications of human biochemistry, the cellular basis for several common genetic 疾病 and metabolic disorders, and essential techniques related to clinical biochemistry.

流行病学I(原垫693 G). 本课程涵盖流行病学调查的原理和方法,包括描述人群中的疾病模式和调查疾病病因的研究设计. The course introduces quantitative measures to determine risk, association and procedures for standardization of rates. 它还审查了在设计和开展流行病学研究时基本原则和方法的应用情况. Topics include the development of research questions; overview of epidemiologic study designs; sampling, 样本大小, and selection bias; techniques for data collection, 辅助数据的来源, and the evaluation of measurement and information bias; confounding and effect modification; techniques for simple and stratified analyses; and an introduction to mathematical modeling in epidemiology. (3)


Bio 665 g 
生物制药顶点. The Capstone Course will serve as a culminating part of the MS degree program. It will require the production of a peer-reviewed, journal article quality, written document. 该文件(25-40页)要么是(1)与学生研究领域相关的现有科学主题的主要文献综述,要么是(2)基于无学分的体验式学习经历,如合作学习, 实习, 或者实验室研究. 完成课程后, 学生将展示理解的能力, synthesize and analyze a complex industrial/scientific topic using critical thinking skills, evaluating possible outcomes and clearly presenting sound scientific conclusions. 学生将被要求口头陈述并成功捍卫他们的最终顶点报告供委员会审查. (3)